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Historical Research


If it's out there, we'll find it.


We conduct historical research for corporate and institutional histories, exhibits, historic-structure reports, National Register and National Historic Landmark designations, and other preservation projects.


Using original source materials and vintage illustrations, we reconstruct histories long thought lost forever. We can sift through voluminous correspondence or read decades of organizational minutes looking for essential nuggets of information. What we're best at is finding haystacks full of needles.


We've had extensive experience working with manuscript collections at major libraries and archives in New York City and other metropolitan areas. We use on-line resources and search depositories across the country.


We document our findings in well-written reports, complete with footnotes and bibliographies. Several of our reports have been published as illustrated books.


We've prepared histories of colleges and universities. Armories. Houses of worship. Court houses. Plantations. Museums. Artists' studios. Farmhouses, henhouses, and outhouses. Industrial complexes. We've even worked on a ropewalk, a presidential retreat, a medical amphitheater, and a gasholder house.

Mount Ida Press

111 Washington Ave.

Suite 306

Albany, New York 12210

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