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APT Bulletin


Since 1991 Mount Ida Press has edited and published the APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology, the leading source for state-of-the-art information on the technology of historic preservation. The Bulletin is now part of JSTOR, the international online database of scholarly journals.


APT Bulletin articles deal with the practical application of the principles and best techniques for conserving the built environment—from debates on preservation versus restoration to the latest on such topics as paint and mortar analysis, computer imagery, and roofing. These feature articles and book reviews keep readers at the forefront of preservation technology.

For editorial, author, peer review, and advertising information for the APT Bulletin, contact:

APT Bulletin
Mount Ida Press
111 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12210

tel 518-426-5935 
fax 518-426-4116

Mount Ida Press

111 Washington Ave.

Suite 306

Albany, New York 12210

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