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Editing and Writing Projects

Albany Architecture: A Guide to the City

Albany Law School 

Albany Medical College

Albany Rural Cemetery

APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology

Association for Preservation Technology 

Capitol Story

Columbia County Historical Society 

Cultural Services of the French Embassy 

Edith Wharton Restoration, Inc. 

Emma Willard School

Fort Orange Club

Friends of the Crailo State Historic Site 

Friends of Terra Cotta

Gerry Charitable Trust

Greater Loudonville Association 

Hartgen Archaeological Associates

Historic Albany Foundation

John G. Waite Associates, Architects 

The Mount: The Home of Edith Wharton

Museum Association of New York

New Netherland Institute

New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission 

New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

New York Yacht Club

Ornamental Ironwork: Two Centuries of Craftsmanship in Albany and Troy, New York  

Preservation League of New York State 

Princeton University, Class of 1953 

Rensselaer County Historical Society

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Saint Andrew's Society of Albany 


Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities

Stanford White's Venetian Room: Its Conception, Realization, and Restoration 

The Swyer Companies 

Washington County Historical Society

W. W. Norton & Company 

Yale University, Class of 1949

Mount Ida Press

111 Washington Ave.

Suite 306

Albany, New York 12210

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